
Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh my! Toothache :(

This would be my first time to post something in here that is not so good, meaning, bad news and totally unhappy. Unhappy because right now I am suffering from toothache! (waaaah!) And I am currently at work, disregarding my condition since it is tolerable for now and I have to. I am feeling awkward because I feel like I have a candy in my mouth because the right lower molar of my teeth is swelling. I already drink medicine and I hope that it would have good effect and praying that it would be SOON. 

Even if that is my condition, I am still trying to cheer up since I am also looking forward that I would be much better later.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Farewell, Steve Jobs

Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs

Everything happens for a reason. Though it hurts to accept that the famous and brilliant mind Steve Jobs is now gone, he left us something that will make us remember and thank him for what he have done. I don't know him that well, but I adore him and salute him for his contributions. And it is undoubtedly that his death is considered a loss to the world

May you rest in peace STEVE JOBS. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

EXCITE Program ♥

Do I mean the word EXCITE literally? honestly no. EXCITE means for us is Enhancement and eXpansion of Capability in Information Technology and English. It is a project created for teachers in elementary and secondary level to help them develop and improve their knowledge in the said area, and we are fortunately enough to be part of the EXCITE team.

At first, I really don't have any idea of what the PREVAT building is for. Our dear teacher and Supervisor Engr. Roy Andrada texted us if we are available to apply and if we are, we just need to go to URS Morong by Monday which is September 5, 2011 at PREVAT building. So I started to wonder, what is that building and what does that acronym stands for. (haha, so funny because I forgot to ask Sir Roy of what kind of job we will be applying for, because I was so amused by the proposal and the chance to work together with Billy). So last September 5, 2011, me and Billy went there to apply but unsure of what exactly the position we are applying for. We just learned from our teacher before in college, that it is related to being a computer laboratory facilitator because we stop by at STI first before we went to URS Morong. When we arrived at URS campus, we asked the guard where the PREVAT building is. After logging to their record list, we continue to the said building and wait for our interview. The rest is history! lol. :D And by the way, now we know what PREVAT stands for, Province of Rizal Educators Value-Added Training Center.

We didn't expect to be accepted there that quickly, but since they urgently needed an IT Assistant (that is the time that we became aware and become clear to us our position and what our job exactly is) we are lucky to be hired. Not to mention, we are indeed so lucky that they accepted both of us, because we are already aware of the possibility that they will not accept two person in a relationship together to work in the same company to avoid connivance and other reasons possible. But we are not hiding also our relationship and they are aware of it. That is why we are so thankful to them, but we are also making sure that we will be professional to the point that what we have will not affect our performance in a negative way. We will not take our job for granted since this is an interesting job for us, it is related to our course and we already had an experience being a mentor before for out of school youths. But of course, there are big differences from before. Up to now, we were able to adjust and cope to the working environment and at the same time learn something new that will enhance also our skills and improve more.

This will be our FIRST job and at the same time FIRST job together. (Aside from our last job experiences that is temporary.) Tomorrow will be the start of our 3rd week at work and we are looking forward to a much smooth, less worries days that will have a good result overall.

Gambatte kudasai!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Missing you guys! ♥

I miss my friends, teachers, classmates so much! It feels like I'm just on a vacation, and I will go back to school just like before. But, I know that it will never happen again though we can still see each other, and have fun together in another place that is obviously not in school since we are not students anymore. :)
Liz, Chan, Alvie, Me, Billy & Jess  ♥

Louie, Rhiz, Alvie, Me, Joseph, Ate 'Tanne ♥

Melven, Alvie, Ma'am Joy, Ma'am Golla, Me, Jess, Ma'am Norie, Ma'am Ison  ♥

Ate 'tanne, Jing, Me, Rish, Alvie, Jess, Nins, Liz  ♥

Wherever you are guys, whatever you do, I'm just hoping that you are all doing good and HAPPY! The friendship is always there, and hopefully no one forgets.


Jess, Me, Ate 'Tanne & Alvie ♥

Me, Ashley, Odie & Geeh ♥

Alvie, Ate 'Tanne, Rish, Rhiz, Bebot, Me, Liz & Jing (+other people at the back) ♥
Liz, 2ne, Rhiz, Alvie, Me, Billy, Jess & Jumong  ♥

Monday, January 10, 2011

FACEBOOK: Is it shutting down for real?

  There has been a rumor spreading all over the net regarding the shutting down of the 1st ranked social networking site, facebook. It has been now a talk all over the town and all over the world, especially to those people who enjoyed using it. Based on what I have read from (http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/27321/facebook-will-end-on-march-15th/), the statement came directly from the creator of the facebook who is Mark Zuckerberg. The decision to end this top social networking site is due to his willingness to return to his old life and didn't care about money at all. They already reminded the users to back up their files posted in the site such as pictures, videos, notes and links for it will permanently erased and the possibility for the user to retrieve these said files will be zero.

  But in contrast with this news, another news is released from (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110110/tc_afp/usitcompanyinternetfacebook) wherein they negate the said issue and they will keep on working because there are no memo given to them yet concerning the shutting down of facebook.

  Being a facebook user as well, I am very much eager to know what is the truth behind all of this rumors. Honestly I don't know yet what to believe in but one thing is certain for me, that I will continue on using it for now, back up my files in case (there's nothing wrong with that, just making sure :p) and wait for what will happen next . . .